
The following links are provided by the Birmingham Genealogical Society to help you in your quest to research your ancestory.

Looking for the address of a historical or genealogical society? We’ve got over 5,000 of them in our Society Hill Directory ( ) covering the United States, Canada and Australia.

This link was provided by “Barbara Lincoln”. It’s a link where you can  learn more about your home, in addition to your family history.

Alabama Archives – Alabama Department of Archives and History, 624 Washington Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36130-0100.

Alabama African American Genealogy – AlGenWeb-UsGenWeb

ALABAMA, Morgan Co.. Marriages, BASHAM surname, 30 records; Joan (Bassham) Rooney

Alabama Genealogy on the Information Highway

Allegheny Regional Family History Society – The ALLEGHENY REGIONAL FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting interest in and preservation of family history and genealogy throughout the Allegheny Mountain Region. While no physical boundaries have been set for the Allegheny Region, it might best be defined as those counties in northeast West Virginia, southwest Pennsylvania, western Maryland and northwest Virginia; and may include any area that received a settlement of people from that area in the last two centuries.

BDM Certificates – This company locates and obtains UK (England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) birth, marriage or death certificates.  If you are interested in this service, go to their website and look around.  — Contact James Frank at [email protected] or BMD Certificates, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street, London EC1V 4PY, United Kingdom

Birmingham Public Library

Genealogy On-Line – Provides links to other genealogy resources.

The Genealogical Society of Vermont has a new URL to reach our website. Stop in and see us!  It is
Joann Nichols GSV Publicity Chairman

Hueytown Historical Society’s web:
We have inventoried many of the cemeteries south of Birmingport Rd,  north of I-59 between the Warrior River and Hueytown. Five cemeteries in this area were done by Fred Ward so we linked them to your site. We placed an asterisk beside the five cemetery names. We also have rosters of the Civil War units formed in Jonesboro; the 18th Ala. Inf. Co. G and the 28th Ala. Inf. Co. H.

The Church of the Latter Day Saints – The Official Internet Site of the Church of the Latter Day Saints

MISSISSIPPI, Lafayette County, near Oxford. College Hill Presbyterian Church Cemetery; 544 records; Linda Sallis

The National Association of Counties (NACo) was created in 1935 when county officials wanted to have a strong voice in the nation’s capital. NACo collects information on counties, such as county officials, courthouse addresses, county seats, cities in a county, etc.

Ray County Genealogical Assn., 901 W. Royle, Richmond, MO 64085 (Attn: Lisa Smalley) was created in 1989. Membership benefits:  40 page quarterly, free queries, 10% discount on publications for sale. (We do not charge anyone to do research in the genealogy library).

ROCKEFELLER LIBRARY UNVEILS NEW WEBSITE : The John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library has unveiled a greatly expanded section on the Colonial Williamsburg website (, offering individuals interested in the Colonial  Chesapeake the opportunity to search the library’s vast collections. New features include PATRIOT, the Rockefeller Library’s online catalog listing the 68,000 titles in the Library, and guides to manuscript,   microfilm, selected photograph and other research collections, such as the Shirley Plantation Collection of over 18,000 manuscript items.  Previously, individuals had to physically visit the library or be connected to an internal network to access these resources.

The RootsWeb project has two missions:
1) To make large volumes of data available to the online genealogical community at minimal cost.
2) To provide support services to online genealogical activities such as USENET newsgroup moderation, mailing list maintenance, surname list generation, etc.
RootsWeb’s own genealogy runs back more than a decade to the days of net.roots. RootsWeb folks have been involved since the early days of ROOTS-L and the Roots Surname List, and more recently were among the founders of the RAND Genealogy Club. We created the RootsWeb site to continue to support the genealogical community as the needs of the community outstripped the ability of RAND and other organizations to host the genealogical community on a guest basis.

TX AGO (Athens Genealogical Organization), 121 S. Prairieville St., Athens, TX 75751.  Serving the Henderson Co. TX area.  They have programs, and publish a journal (60 pages each) twice a year. They provide new research information to the membership, organize car pools and field trips to help alleviate research expenses, and record the local records of genealogical value.  They meet the last Thurs. of each month (except Nov. & Dec.) Web Address of the society
Records in their journals:
US GenWeb Project is dedicated to providing genealogy links for all states to researchers.